“I did it again… just a little faster,” says British Indian army officer about her solo ski expedition to South Pole

Antarctica, the last continent on Earth, has few human footsteps; but of what there is, the ski tracks left by Preet Chandi are very special. Nicknamed “Polar Preet”, the British Army officer of Indian origin recently finished yet another unsupported solo skiing expedition to Antarctica for the year 2023. She announced her success with an […]

British Hindus and British Indians suffer UK media-driven social bias focused on “cows, curry, caste”

A new report titled ‘British media and perception: A survey for British Hindus and British Indians’ has revealed that the Indian-origin community in the United Kingdom suffers from social bias due to various inaccuracies and imbalance in media reporting. The highlight of the survey is that the error-riddled and unbalanced UK media reporting “is contributing […]

PIO-founded EcoSikh is saving the environment around the world, 550 trees at a time

Some people think, some people talk, some people do. It’s the last element — the action — that’s the most important; without it, the first two don’t mean much. In keeping with the Sikh tenet of seva (selfless service), the international organisation EcoSikh works on saving the environment, 550 trees at a time. Using the […]

About Author: Sanchita Guha