Use these four criteria to check the quality of diamonds

The latest diamond necklace you bought might look dazzling, but it might not be the best one in terms of quality.

Have you ever thought of checking the quality of the diamond that you just bought? Even though your purchase is through a reputable source, it is common sense to verify the jewels' quality independent of the shop owners. It is best suggested to ensure that you take your time with the process and ensure the very best for your latest necklace purchase

To help you out, we are going to explain some of the best criteria that you need to identify the best diamond necklace designs.

Carat weight

The very first of the quality checks definitely has to be the carat weight. A calibrated digital scale precisely measures the carat weight of diamonds. It is best suggested to pass it through the quality check and be present during the process. Often, a diamond which is marked one carat in a store might be one with a weight carat of 0.89. It is very important to thus assess every last prospect surrounding the carat weight and thus gain the best choice available in the market. Some diamonds may seem bigger even if they are of the same carat weight.

Colour quality

Coming round to the next one, the colour quality. The best kind of diamond is colourless, there are no two ways about it. If the diamond does have a slight tinge of colour, it is going to have an impact on the quality. It is always best to get the stone checked by a professional who knows the in and outs of the same. because detecting the colour of a diamond under the naked eye can be a tough nut to crack. These slight changes can seem very minute but can have very harsh impacts on the quality in the end.

Clarity rating

Moving on from the colour is the clarity rating of the diamond. A good quality one will have minimal imperfections on it while a poor quality one will have some that are visible to the naked eye. The clarity of the diamond is indicated via a clarity scale with 11 clarity grades on it. It is very important for you to understand them before making any purchases.

Cut quality

Last but not least around is the cut quality. It is important that the diamond is precisely cut for better bedazzle. It all lies in the expertise of the person crafting the diamond but you need to ensure that it refracts light like a pro.

These are some of the important quality checkpoints one needs to keep an account of while buying a diamond. Check all the 4Cs before commiting to the final purchase.

The views expressed by the author in this article are personal and do not reflect those of Connected to India.