Come May 15, Singapore will see Lawrence Wong sworn in as the Prime Minister, replacing outgoing PM Lee Hsien Loong, who stepped down as the leader of the government to make way for a younger lawmaker for the top post. Wong, the PM-designate, is also the current Finance Minister of the city-state. Apart from being a popular politician, the 51-year-old is also a keen guitar player.

Though that isn’t a secret, do you know how Wong learnt his guitar lessons? On the occasion of International Guitar Month, Wong himself took to Instagram to answer various questions related to this hobby.
As per the PM-designate, he has been playing the guitar for over 40 years now. The affair started after his father presented him with a guitar on his birthday. “…he [his father] had a friend who could play the guitar and the friend taught me initially,” Wong said. He added that after the basic lessons, he was self taught, but frequented the National Library campus to read books about the instrument and hone his skills.
“It was a routine then for me to go to the National Library every week. So, I would go and borrow books on the guitar and teach myself how to play,” Wong said. He stated that Guitar Player, the popular magazine, helped him learn and play the musical instrument.
Asked about his favourite brands, Wong said he likes homegrown brands. “I’m always excited when I see homegrown Singapore companies in this space. For example, there are a few guitar brands from Singapore like Maestro and they have become quite popular,” he said.
The Finance Minister also spoke passionately about Singaporean brands in the pedal/sounds effects business and hailed them for making a name in the international scene.
The People’s Action Party member left a note for youngsters, asking them to follow their passion. “Whether it’s the guitar, some other musical instruments, or any other hobby, I hope you pick up something you like. Pursue your passion and keep on learning and excelling at it,” Wong said.