Salman Rushdie to release new book in September

Controversial author and Booker Prize winner Salman Rushdie is once again in news as he is going to release his new book ‘The Golden House’ during the month of September. The book is being waited  with bated breath in the literary circles.

Salam Rushdie to release new book The Golden House
Salman Rushdie is going to release new book 'The Golden House' in September. Photo courtesy:

‘The Golden House’ is a breathtaking new novel on a sprawling canvas. A modern-day thriller, it follows a mysteriously wealthy family from Bombay (now Mumbai) that is desperately seeking to forget the tragedy they left behind as they feverishly reinvent themselves in New York City.

Giving details about the book, publisher Penguin Random House said in a statement, “The Golden House is about where we were before 26/11, where we are today and how we got here. Here is a book that asks us – in  a post-truth world – if  facts and authenticity are necessarily the same thing, while never ceasing to be both resonant and entertaining."

The book will be published in India by Penguin Random House, which acquired the subcontinent rights from the Wylie Agency.

Meru Gokhale, Editor-in-Chief at Penguin Random House, India said in a statement, “This is Salman Rushdie at his finest. The Golden House is a masterclass on the confusing world we have brought upon ourselves.”

The book dissects the cultural and political vacuum in which a generation – whose frame of reference for globalization has increasingly been colored by conflict –must perform an intense balancing act,” he added.

Salman Rushdie had earlier won the Booker Prize in 1981 and Best of the Booker Prize in 2008 for his book ‘Midnight's Children.’ Some of his other critically acclaimed and bestseller are ‘Haroun and the Sea of Stories’, ‘The Moor's Last Sigh’, ‘Satanic Verses’ and his recent ‘Two Years, Eight Months' and 'Twenty-Eight Nights.’