NTUC offers 50 cents coffee and tea to elderly Singaporeans for a year

Photo courtesy: NTUC Enterprise
Photo courtesy: NTUC Enterprise

From next month onwards, NTUC Foodfare and Kopitiam will be reducing prices of coffee (“kopi”) and tea (“teh”) to 50 cents for NTUC union members and elderly Singaporeans. 

Over 1.7 million NTUC union members, Merdeka and Pioneer Generation Singaporeans stand to benefit from this initiative. The 50 cents kopi and teh will be available at close to 100 NTUC Foodfare and Kopitiam food courts and coffee shops across the island.

The offer is as follows: 

Screenshot from NTUC Enterprise website
Screenshot from NTUC Enterprise website

Meanwhile, NTUC Enterprise also announced several other initiatives to help Singaporeans manage the cost of living. 

In a press statement on Thursday, April 26, NTUC Enterprise said that following its acquisition of Kopitiam Investment Pte Ltd, they will be offering more consumers an affordable Breakfast Set that costs $1.80 for NTUC Union members and $2.20 for members of the public.

From June 1, the number of outlets providing these Breakfast Sets will more than double, from 25 to 52 outlets. NTUC Foodfare will also target to have at least one Rice Garden outlet in every densely populated residential estate to ensure affordable cooked meals become more accessible to Singaporeans. By the end of 2019, the number of outlets will increase from 45 to 55.