Singapore 7th least corrupt country in the world: TICP Index 2016

The Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2016 ranked Singapore as the 7th least corrupt country in the world.

Singapore also maintained its first-place in the 2016 Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) annual survey on corruption, Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) said in a press statement on April 12, 2017. 

In 2016, the number of cases received for investigation reached an all-time low.

Photo courtesy: CPIB
Photo courtesy: CPIB

The CPIB received 808 complaints, an eight percent decrease from the 877 complaints received in 2015 (see infographics below). Out of the 808 complaints, 118 cases (14.6percent) were registered for investigation by the CPIB, compared with the 132 cases (15.1 percent) registered in 2015.

Photo courtesy: CPIB
Photo courtesy: CPIB

For the past 3 years, about half the complaints received by the CPIB were noncorruption-related complaints. These were referred to the relevant government authorities for their action.

The quality and amount of relevant information of the corruption complaint received directly affects whether the case can be pursued. Majority of non-pursuable corruption complaints were due to insufficient, vague or unsubstantiated information provided.

Photo courtesy:
Photo courtesy:

But while Singapore has achieved some measure of success in fighting corruption, we are under no illusion that corruption has been permanently or completely eradicated, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in a recent essay on Singapore’s experience in combating corruption.

Corruption is driven by greed, and there will always be some individuals who are tempted to transgress, he added. Corruption may be a fact of life, but will not be our way of life in Singapore as long as there is strong political will and leadership, and a culture which eschews corruption.